Teepee Warzone 2 Loadouts (2024)

Are you ready to step up your game in Teepee Warzone 2? Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, having the right loadout can make all the difference in your performance on the battlefield. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of Teepee Warzone 2 loadouts, exploring the best weapons, attachments, perks, and strategies to help you dominate your opponents. So grab your gear and let's get started!

Understanding Teepee Warzone 2 Loadouts

Before we dive into specific loadouts, let's take a moment to understand what makes a great loadout in Teepee Warzone 2. A loadout consists of your primary weapon, secondary weapon, attachments, perks, and equipment. Each component plays a crucial role in your overall performance, so it's essential to choose wisely based on your playstyle and objectives.

Choosing the Right Weapons

When it comes to selecting your weapons, versatility is key. You want weapons that excel at both close and long-range combat to adapt to any situation on the battlefield. Popular choices for primary weapons include assault rifles like the AK-47 or the M4A1, which offer a balance of power and accuracy.

For your secondary weapon, consider a reliable handgun like the Glock 17 or the M1911. While you may not use your secondary weapon as often, having a backup option can save your life in a pinch.

Optimizing Attachments

Attachments can significantly impact the performance of your weapons, so it's crucial to choose wisely. Experiment with different combinations of scopes, grips, barrels, and magazines to find the setup that suits your playstyle best. For example, a red dot sight can improve accuracy in close-quarters combat, while a silencer can help you stay stealthy and avoid detection by enemy players.

Maximizing Perks

Perks are passive abilities that provide various bonuses to your character, such as increased movement speed, faster reload times, or reduced recoil. Choose perks that complement your playstyle and enhance your strengths on the battlefield. Some popular perks include Ghost, which keeps you hidden from enemy UAVs, and Overkill, which allows you to carry two primary weapons instead of one.

Selecting Equipment

Equipment such as grenades, tactical grenades, and field upgrades can give you a tactical advantage in combat. Experiment with different types of equipment to find the ones that best suit your playstyle and objectives. For example, frag grenades are excellent for clearing out enemy positions, while stun grenades can disorient and incapacitate your opponents, giving you the upper hand in a firefight.

Top Teepee Warzone 2 Loadouts

Now that we've covered the basics let's dive into some top-tier loadouts that will help you dominate the battlefield in Teepee Warzone 2.

1. All-Purpose Assault Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: AK-47 with Red Dot Sight, Foregrip, and Extended Magazine
  • Secondary Weapon: Glock 17
  • Perks: E.O.D., Ghost, Amped
  • Equipment: Frag Grenade, Flashbang Grenade

This loadout is perfect for players who prefer a balanced approach to combat, excelling at both close and long-range engagements.

2. Stealth Sniper Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: HDR with Variable Zoom Scope, Monolithic Suppressor, and Extended Barrel
  • Secondary Weapon: M1911
  • Perks: Cold-Blooded, Ghost, Tracker
  • Equipment: Claymore, Smoke Grenade

This loadout is ideal for players who prefer to take a more stealthy approach, picking off enemies from a distance without being detected.

3. Close-Quarters Combat Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: MP5 with 5mW Laser, Collapsed Stock, and Sleight of Hand
  • Secondary Weapon: Riot Shield
  • Perks: Double Time, Hardline, Shrapnel
  • Equipment: C4, Gas Grenade

This loadout is perfect for aggressive players who prefer to get up close and personal with their enemies, dominating in close-quarters combat situations.


In Teepee Warzone 2, having the right loadout can mean the difference between victory and defeat on the battlefield. By choosing the right weapons, attachments, perks, and equipment to suit your playstyle, you can maximize your effectiveness and dominate your opponents with ease. So gear up, hone your skills, and prepare to conquer the battlefield like never before!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I change my loadout during a match in Teepee Warzone 2? Yes, you can change your loadout by accessing a loadout drop or visiting a buy station located throughout the map.

2. What is the best perk for staying hidden from enemy players in Teepee Warzone 2? Ghost is widely considered the best perk for staying hidden from enemy UAVs and heartbeat sensors.

3. Are there any restrictions on the number of attachments I can use on my weapons? No, you can customize your weapons with as many attachments as you like, although some combinations may be more effective than others.

4. Can I customize my loadouts outside of a match in Teepee Warzone 2? Yes, you can customize your loadouts in the pre-match lobby or between matches to tailor them to your preferences and playstyle.

5. Are there any penalties for using certain weapons or attachments in Teepee Warzone 2? No, there are no penalties for using specific weapons or attachments. However, certain combinations may be more effective than others depending on your playstyle and objectives.

Teepee Warzone 2 Loadouts (2024)


What sensitivity does teep play on? ›

TeePee's Controller Settings
BR Button LayoutTactical Flipped
Horizontal Stick Sensitivity10
Vertical Stick Sensitivity10
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (Low Zoom)1.00
19 more rows

What is the first loadout in Warzone 2? ›

Best Beginner-Friendly Loadout

If you're just starting, your best bet while you learn about the map and where to drop is to use the M4 Assault Rifle and the MCBR Sniper Rifle.

What circle do loadouts drop in Warzone 2? ›

There are also two Loadout Drops that will drop during the match – one within the first two circle collapses and one in the late-game – that anyone can grab.

What aim sensitivity do pros use? ›

DPI (mouse sensitivity)

A lower DPI is recommended for sensitivity in shooters. A standard would be 800 or 1600. In-game, the Sensitivity: Aim factor for the pros ranges from 0.35 to 0.45.

How to fix Warzone loadout glitch? ›

How to Fix the Loadout Glitch in MW3 Warzone. Activision has released a patch for the Loadout glitch, so the first thing to do is make sure your version of MW3 Warzone is updated. But if you're still dealing with the issue after that, the best thing you can do is avoid Loadouts for the time being.

How to select loadout in Warzone? ›

After selecting a game Playlist, you can select the Weapons tab in the Lobby to customize your Loadout. In the standard mode, you choose Primary Weapons, Tactical, and Lethal Equipment. In DMZ, the weapons and equipment you select for your Loadout is what you will spawn into the DMZ armed with.

Do loadouts matter in Warzone 2? ›

The answer is: you can get full loadouts in Warzone 2, and it's a very good idea to do so, because it'll give you the best chance of earning a victory royale. Below we'll walk you through how to get loadouts in Warzone 2, to clear up any confusion you might have on the matter.

What is the most popular gun in Warzone 2? ›

The Lachmann Sub, aka the MP5, has taken a beating from recent nerfs, but still emerges victorious when the smoke clears, proving once and for all why this reliable, flexible, mid-ranged SMG beauty has been one of Warzone 2's best and most popular guns for so long now.

What is the best gun to make in Warzone 2? ›

A fan-favorite weapon and a great all-rounder, the M4 is considered the best gun in Warzone 2 because of its versatility. The base damage, recoil, and clip size create a perfect platform for you to express yourself, and once you unlock additional attachments, you can really make this assault rifle your own.

How much is loadout in solos? ›

Loadout Drops, like in Warzone, can be purchased from a Buy Station for different prices depending on the mode (Solo - $8,000, Duos - $16,000, Trios - $24,000, Quads - $32,000).

How much does a loadout drop cost in Warzone 2? ›

Here's how much Loadout Drops cost across Solos, Duos, Trios, and Quads: Solos: $8,000. Duos: $16,000. Trios: $24,000.

What sensitivity does Swagg play on? ›

Swagg's Controller Settings
BR Button LayoutTactical
Horizontal Stick Sensitivity7
Vertical Stick Sensitivity7
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (Low Zoom)0.90
19 more rows

What sensitivity do CDL pros use? ›

Sensitivity Switch: Switch While Opening ADS. Sensitivity Presets: Custom. Standard Sensitivity: 95. ADS Sensitivity: 140.

What DPI and sensitivity do pro players play at? ›

Most high ELO and professional players tend to play on around 150-300 EDPI while high sensitivity players may use 300-450 EDPI. No pro player ever uses anything over 1,600 DPI, instead opting for something in the range of 400-800.

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